Social media has had an intense effect on society, and it seems to be increasing. It is often what we check first thing in the morning or last before bedtime; if not careful one can become fooled into thinking that everyone’s lives are perfect with a seemingly flawless appearance. Well, the truth is that nobody’s perfect and we’re all insecure about something. It’s okay to not have an answer for every question or comment on the perfect photo 24/7. The need for perfection often leads us into over-sharing our lives with friends when they don’t really want to see them either way; this can be especially nerve wracking during difficult times where there just isn’t anything worth bragging about!
It’s really easy (and tempting) to get wrapped up in caring too much about how other people see us on social media because so many aspects-including things as simple as photos and videos-are easily accessible by others who don’t know all the details surrounding them. But at some point, you have to decide whether these opinions expressed online will affect how happy you want to live life day after day!
The Internet will always be full of trolls. It’s just a fact that you need to accept and learn how to handle in order for it not to affect your social life. All too often we get caught up on what other people think about us- this is one of the main things we need to stop worrying about! It’s time for you to take charge of your life and do what you want, when you want without feeling like someone will judge or criticize you. Here are some helpful tips: 1) Spend more time focusing on yourself than others 2) Stop comparing yourself to others 3) Have an attitude of gratitude 4) Practice forgiveness 5) Remember your uniqueness What’s important is that YOU are happy and content with who YOU are instead.
If you need help with loving yourself more, we got you! Simply turn off social media and reach out for a consultation.