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Three Reasons Why You Should Consider Couples Therapy

“We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.” – W. Somerset Maugham

No matter how close you may be with your partner or spouse, there will inevitably come times in life when you and your significant other grow and change separately from one another. This can lead to periods of disconnection in which you feel like two strangers living under the same roof instead of partners sharing their lives together. However, therapy can help couples reconnect during these difficult times by helping them learn new communication skills that they need to keep the relationship strong even when circumstances change between them over time. Here are 3 quick tips on how therapy can improve communication.

1. Therapy allows you to reconnect emotionally

One of the biggest reasons therapy is good for couples is because it can help partners work through their problems and feelings in a healthy and constructive way. When both parties feel that they’ve been heard, listened to, and understood, then their relationship will be stronger than before therapy began. Partners often report feeling emotionally reconnected to their significant other after therapy, which is why therapy can be a great way to manage rocky periods in the relationship and successfully navigate through tough times.

2. Therapy provides you with a neutral third party to mediate between partners

When couples feel disconnected from one another, they may start taking their differences out on each other in an unhealthy way. This can involve one partner calling the other names, being excessively critical of their significant other, or throwing past mistakes in each others’ faces. However therapy can be a great way to address these issues without pointing fingers by giving you a third party who is objective and can play referee when disagreements arise.

3. Therapy provides you with objective information about your relationship

Lastly therapy can be a great way to get objective information about your relationship that you otherwise may not have access to. If partners are feeling disconnected from one another, therapy can help them uncover underlying issues in their communication and provide helpful insights into how each party impacts the other emotionally. Therapy is a nonjudgmental space where partners can learn about themselves without the fear of looking foolish or insecure, which can help partners see one another in a new light and ultimately strengthen their connection.

Reach out to learn more about couples therapy at AMR.

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