The same things for your future? Are their values aligned with yours? Do they respect your boundaries and understand what consent means? Can you be yourself around them without feeling ashamed or judged? These are some questions that need answering before getting into a serious relationship. Asking these questions upfront will save time and heartache later on so take this opportunity to think about these non-negotiable. Setting these boundaries for yourself and communicating them early in a relationship ensures that all parties involved know where they stand with each other and what their roles within the relationship look like. Not sure where to start? Therapy is a safe space for this exploration. In therapy, you can get help with figuring out your personal needs and values so that it becomes easier to find the right people to date – someone who’s compatible with those needs! It also helps to make sure that you have a good mental state; to have positive successful connection. Learn how an AMR Therapy therapist can help make sure that your next partner shares your values and goals!