Virtual Therapy, E-Therapy, Telemedicine, Virtual Office, and On-Line Therapy?

E-Therapy is really taking off. People experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and a multitude of emotional concerns are seeking help at higher levels than in the past. While I am excited that more people are investing in their mental health, I have concerns about the legitimacy of some of this therapy. I am concerned about texting, chatroom, and phone therapy.

Therapy is an intimate and ongoing experience.  A therapist must be fully present with a client and able to assess for serious concerns while working a treatment plan.  I feel like many sites are more about support than actual therapy.

Therapist need to be able to assess for verbal and nonverbal interactions, which can only be done in real time video. Confidentiality must legally be maintained, using Skype or facetime is not safe or ethical. A HIPAA compliant platform is the only way to create confidentiality, legally. Further, therapist through mediums outside of real time can truly be anyone. Catfishing therapy could happen. It is important to ensure your therapist is who they say they are, is licensed in the state in which you reside, and is trained in issues in which you want to address. This can be done by seeing them, asking for license verification, or simply looking them up through the boards in which they are licensed. Therapy can be great but with the wrong “therapist” it can be harmful, illegal and you have no recourse.

I have worked very hard at AMR Therapy to address all these potential concerns.  I utilize real time HIPPA compliant video and follow all ethical and legal guidelines defined by the states of California and Nevada.  I work with clients residing in Nevada or California only and practice within my scope of knowledge.  If you have more questions, please feel free to contact me.

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