The Importance of Connection and Belonging

Think back to how you felt the last time you spoke with a good friend or chatted with like-minded individuals. It feels good, right, to connect with people that have your back and just get you? You are not alone; people want and need to connect with others to feel fulfilled. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, belonging and connection is essential for humans to thrive. Recent research argues that belonging and connection is as important as food, water, and shelter. Let that sink in for a moment. You need connection and belonging as much as food, water, and shelter. Belonging and connecting can reduces stress, increase positive self-esteem, decrease anxiety and depression, as well as produce supportive bonds that can help you through lives many challenges.

During Covid-19, creating and maintaining bonds is more difficult. However, you will benefit from pushing yourself to connect positively with others. Call a friend for a chat, spend quality time with people in your household, join an online club or group, video chat an old friend. Yes, it can be hard, but the rewards are undeniable for your overall well being and for those you connect with during this time. Aspire to make connection and belonging as important as any other basic need. You may not always be in the mood for a healthy meal, but you know when you eat it, you will feel better.